Our guides

Hans-Werner Schuldt

Hans-Werner Schuldt


... I have a lot to tell you, sit down with me and a piece of cream cake!
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Marita Schuldt

Marita Schuldt


The gigantic wide open spaces,... silence and nature - combined with a special history, these are my feelings about Norway.
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Bärbel Mülling

Bärbel Mülling


Everything I have seen and experienced in 16 years in Norway, I can tell you during your trip through this beautiful country. There are many exciting stories about Norway and its people.
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Constanze Thum

Constanze Thum


One of the most frequent questions I hear from my guests is: "So, what brings you to Norway? Love?"
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Giuseppe Giusti

Giuseppe Giusti


I can define Norway in one word: wild. The beautiful fjords, the mighty mountains, the wild animals that live close to people's houses, make Norway a unique and special place.
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Aurore Pornin

Aurore Pornin


I love working as a tour guide in Norway. I have the opportunity to spend the summer in such stunning and peaceful landscapes and let the tourists discover all these fabulous places and their stories.
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Dirk Silbernagel

Dirk Silbernagel


I have been living with my family on the island of Godøya (near Ålesund) since 2011 and have been working as a guide in the most beautiful part of Norway since 2015 - at least in my opinion.
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Petr Stepánek

Petr Stepánek


The first time I fell in love with the country was when I traveled Norway by bike. Since then, I've come back not only to travel, but also to work. Guiding has become my vocation.
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